

Our mutual love is unique and unconditionally.
I can count on you and enjoy it to be loved with all my faults wholeheartedly.

Sometimes I am overcome by a fear that this love is too big for ourselves.
Then I try to be more beautiful and charming, so you do not get tempted to think about whether I could be the wrong woman to you.
We currently live too far apart for my little heart.

These thoughts swirling in my head like a hurricane.
Many a time I would like to end this so that I no longer have to miss you.
But I know that it would destroy me inside.

However, I am aware that I would not be the woman without you who you love so madly and carry on your hands.
For this love I am extremely grateful to you.
And one day I want to give you my word that you will be my love forever.

For alltid å være sammen med deg

Hvem elsker oss når vi ikke lenger er ung og vakker og vill?

It's easy to say:

Always you.


Når jeg lærte å elske deg...

Og jeg ber deg, om å avsløre meg din sannhet, din frykt og dine drømmer.
Ta meg med deg som en del av det.
Og jeg ber deg, ikke la meg være alene, fordi jeg ikke kan være alene nå.

Lea-Marie Becker


Hvor er kjærligheten?

"Weiß leider nicht, wie Liebe aussieht.
Aber dachte immer, es wäre irgendwas mit Rot.
Und nicht, dass sie kalt und arrogant neben mir auf der Couch sitzt.
Sie ist bestimmt grad' auf Koks.

Weiß leider nicht, wie Liebe aussieht.
Doch dachte immer, es wäre irgendwas mit Rot.
Und nicht, dass sie neben mir sitzt und dann trotzdem nicht redet.
Ich glaub', sie ist tot."
